By: D.K Choudhary
Who can disshore parliament. – The president of India.
Who has the power of ptotogation of the session both of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha. -President of India.
By which name the parliamentary from of govern- ment is known as:- Responsible government.
Who said “The parliamentary government provides boththe ddaily and the periodic evaluation of performance of government”? Jawahar lal Nehru.
For what purpare the joint sitting og federal parliament is called ? – To resolve a deadlock between the two houses over a non- Financial bill.
In which country the upper house is more powerful than the lower house? – U.S.A.
Which type of form of government system is indicated by the constitution of india? – Parliamentry from of government.
In Indian parliament when a bill is sent to a select committee. -After second reading.
How many members is required to get the official states of opposition group in parliament? – -1/10 of the total members.
What is the name of right to vote in election of the members of parliament – Constitutional.
Those right power which are not included in any of the schedule are called ? – Residury Powers.
According to the constitution of india. How many times a session pf parliament is required to be called? – Twice.
How much can be there between two subsequent sessions of parliament? -6 Months.
The power of create and dissolve legislative council of a state is rest with: – Parliament.
Which important new discussion process has been introduced in Indian parliament? – The presidential Speech.
Bi-Camerlism is a indication of : -Federal System.