Indian Polity Quiz 5th  January ,2017

By: D.K Choudhary

Q.1      Article 14 of the Indian constitution guarantees Indian citizens? (SSC 2005)

(1)        Equal protection of laws                              (2)        Equal before law

(3)        Equal distribution of economic resources  (4)        Equal before law and equal protection of the laws.

Ans. (4)

Q.2      Article 19 of the Indian constitution provides? (SSC 2005)

(1)        6 Freedoms                                         (2)        7 Freedoms

(3)        8 Freedoms                                         (4)        9 Freedoms

Ans. (1)

Q.3      Of the various grounds below, which is the one criterion on which discrimination b the State in not prohibited in Article 15 of the constitution? (SSC 2005)

(1)        Place of Birth                                     (2)        Race

(3)        Language                                            (4)        Caste

Ans. (3)

Q.4      Where is the objective of  “Social justice” Articulated in the constitution of India? (SSC 2005)

(1)        Art. 14                         (2)        Art.16                          (3)        Art.15              (4)        Preamble

Ans. (4)

Q.5      Which article of the Indian constitution of India includes the Fundamental Duties of the Indian citizens? (SSC 2006)

(1)        Article 50 A                                        (2)        Article 50 B

(3)        Article 51 A                                        (4)        Article 51 B

Ans. (3)

Q.6      Which article of the constitution of India abolishes untouchability and forbids its practice in any from? (SSC 206)

(1)        Article 16                                            (2)        Article 15

(3)        Article 17                                            (4)        Article 18

Ans. (3)

Q.7      Which article of the Indian constitution provides for the institution of Panchayati Raj? (SSC 2006)

(1)        Article 36                                            (2)        Article 39

(3)        Article 40                                            (4)        Article 48

Ans. (3)

Q.8      Article 1 of the constitution declares India as? ( SSC 2006)

(1)        Federal State                                      (2)        Quasi—Federal State

(3)        Unitary State                                     (4)        Union State

Ans. (4)

Q.9      How many Schedules does the constitution of India contain? (SSC 2006)

(1)        9                      (2)        10                    (3)        11                    (4)        12

Ans. (4)

Q.10    Under which article of constitution does Jammu and Kashmir enjoys special constitutional position? (SSC 2006)

(1)        Article—356                                       (2)        Article—124

(3)        Article –170                                        (4)        Article –370

Ans. (4)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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