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Polity Quiz in English 29th March 2018 

By: D.K Chaudhary

Q.1        Socialist thinkers advocate the extension of the right to equality in ? (SSC Mts 2002)

(1)           Political sphere                    (2)           Economic sphere

(3)           Social sphere                       (4)           Legal sphere

Ans. (2)


Q.2        Popular soverelgnty was advocated by ?(SSC Mts 2002)

(1)           Rousseau                                              (2)           John Locke

(3)           Thomas Hobbes                                 (4)           T.H. Green

Ans. (3)

 Q.3        The Creamy layer, concept refers to ? (SSC Mts 2002)

(1)           The grouping based on social status

(2)           The grouping based on castes

(3)           The Grouping based on economic status

(4)           The grouping based on milk consumption

Ans. (3)


Q.4        Who was the president of india during Janta Party regime? (SSC Mts 2002)

(1)           Fakhruddin ali ahmad          (2)           N. Sanjeeva reddy

(3)           Gaini Zail singh                      (4)           R. Venkatraman

Ans. (2)

 Q.5       Which Lok sabha constituency had the highest number of voters during the 13th lok sabha election? (SSC Mts 2002)

(1)           Uttranchall                             (2)           Outer Delhi

(3)           North Bombay                      (4)           Amethi

Ans. (2)


Q.6        Who from the following was a member of the rajya sabha at the time of appointment as prime minister? (SSC Mts 2006)

(1)           Choudhary Charan Singh                   (2)           Mrs. Indira Ghandi

(3)           Lal Bahadur Shastri                             (4)           P. V. Narashima Rao

Ans. (2)


Q.7        Out of the following which political party has not been recognized as a national political party?     (SSC Mts 2008)

(1)           Indian National Congress                        (2)           Bharatiya Janata Party

(3)           Bahujan Samaj party                                 (4)           Trinamul Congress

Ans. (4)


Q.8        The federal system with Strong centre has been borrowed by the Indian constitution from ? (SSC Mts 2008)

(1)           U.S.A                                       (2)           Canada

(3)           U.K                                          (4)           France

Ans. (2)

Q.9        English is the official language of which one of the following Indian states? (SSC Mts 2009)

(1)           Nagaland                                (2)           Tripura

(3)           Assam                                      (4)           Manipur

Ans. (1)


Q.10        What is the minimum percentage of votes a political party must get acquire the status of a registered party? (SSC Mts 2011)

(1)           1%           (2)           2%          

(3)           3%           (4)           4%

Ans. (2)

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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