Polity Quiz For IAS, PCS & SSC 20 June 2016

Polity Quiz For IAS, PCS & SSC 20 June 2016

By: D.K. Choudhary

  1. The president can be removed from his office before the expiry of his normal term only on the recommendation of
    the Supreme Court
    B. the chief justice of India
    C. council of ministers
    D. the two Houses of Parliament2. The new committee system constitutes an improvement over the earlier committee system in so far as
    A. it assures representation to all the political parties in proportion to their strength in the Parliament
    B. it enables the Parliament to examine the grants of all the ministries and departments in detail
    C. it enables the Parliament to accept the demands of various ministries without scrutiny
    D. None of the above

    3. The members of the State Public Service Commission are appointed by the
    A. chief minister
    B. chief justice
    C. governor
    D. vice-president

    4. The president can assign any of the functions of the union government to the state government
    A. in consultation with the chief justice of India
    B. in consultation with the state governor
    C. in his discretion
    D. in consultation with the government of the state

    5. Mainstream Nationalism in India
    A. was characterized by Chauvinism
    B. aimed at restoration of the Hindu state
    C. had national socialism as its ultimate goal
    D. aimed at emancipation from colonial rule

    6. The minimum age required to become the prime minister of India is
    A. 25 years
    B. 30 years
    C. 40 years
    D. 35 years

    7. The objective of the Morley-Minto Reforms was
    A. extension of provincial assemblies
    B. to give more powers to local government
    C. to abolish the post of secretary of the state for India
    D. to establish diarchy in provinces

    8. The oath of office is conducted to the president by
    A. the speaker of Lok Sabha
    B. the chief justice of India
    C. the vice-president of India
    D. None of the above

    9. The members of the state legislative assemblies are elected for a period of
    A. 2 years
    B. 6 years
    C. 5 years
    D. 3 years

    10. The office of the prime minister of India
    A. rests on coronations
    B. is created by the Parliament
    C. is created by the constitution
    D. All of the above

    11. The Objectives Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Constituent Assembly on
    A. 22nd January 1947
    B. 26th November 1946
    C. 1st October 1948
    D. None of the above

    12.The preamble declares India as a sovereign state which implies
    A. India is free to conduct her internal affairs
    B. India is free to conduct her external affairs
    C. India is free to conduct here internal as well as external affairs
    D. None of the above

    13. The parliament works through committees which
    A. help the government in the formulation of policy
    B. exercise effective control over government on a regular and continuing basis
    C. ensure that the parliament strictly adheres to the provision of the constitution and the prescribed parliamentary procedure
    D. both (a) and (b)

    14. The Muslim League as a political party was founded in
    A. 1906
    B. 1909
    C. 1915
    D. 1919

    15. The members of the state legislature exercise control over the council of the ministers through
    A. questions and supplementary questions
    B. criticism of its policies
    C. adjournment motion
    D. All of the above

    1. D
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. D
    6. A
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. C
    11. A
    12. C
    13. B
    14. A
    15. D

About D.K Chaudhary

Polityadda the Vision does not only “train” candidates for the Civil Services, it makes them effective members of a Knowledge Community. Polityadda the Vision enrolls candidates possessing the necessary potential to compete at the Civil Services Examination. It organizes them in the form of a fraternity striving to achieve success in the Civil Services Exam. Content Publish By D.K. Chaudhary

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